Automation using esxcli in powershell

By | November 28, 2024

One command has to be used in the powercli to call the functions associated with the esxcli, the command is Get-EsxCli

Download powercli version 6.0 or above to run the cmdlets mentioned below :
We have to create an object before we run the cli commands over the powercli

$esxcli = Get-EsxCli –Vmhost virtualbabu.vm.lab07

$esxcli object created will be used as an identifier over the host to execute the cli based commands

PS C:\> $esxcli

To crawl through namespaces you can append any element to the $esxcli variable like you know it from esxcli. The only difference is that in PowerCLI the namespace is separated by a dot instead of a blank.

PS C:\> $esxcli.vm
EsxCliElement: vm

At some point you see methods instead of elements. This is where you actually run commands.

PS C:\esx> $esxcli.vm.process
EsxCliElement: process
boolean kill(string type, long worldid)
VirtualMachine[] list()

The output above has two methods, kill and list. The list command does not require any variables, so you can use it directly:

PS C:\> $esxcli.vm.process.list()
ConfigFile : /vmfs/volumes/173c1f45-a9d8f929/vcsa6.virten.lab/vcsa6.virten.lab.vmx
DisplayName : test.vm.lab01
ProcessID : 0
UUID : 56 4d 51 02 b7 e0 e3 a1-37 5e d5 7b fa a0 a2 6f
VMXCartelID : 302680
WorldID : 302681

The output can be used in the same way as you know from PowerShell:

PS C:\esx> $esxcli.vm.process.list() |select DisplayName

With a foreach loop you can run the same esxcli command on many hosts:

$VMhosts = Get-Cluster Cluster |Get-VMHost
foreach($VMhost in $VMhosts){
$esxcli = get-vmhost $VMhost | Get-EsxCli

If a method has parameters you have to know parameters and their sequence. This is how you find out the parameter definition which is different at every command:

PS C:\> $esxcli.system.module.set
TypeNameOfValue : VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Util10Ps.EsxCliExtensionMethod
OverloadDefinitions : {void set(boolean enabled, boolean force, string module)}
MemberType : CodeMethod
Value : void set(boolean enabled, boolean force, string module)
Name : set
IsInstance : True

This is the section we are looking for:

In that case, we have to define 3 variables: Enabled (boolean), force (boolean) and module (string). As an example, I am going to disable the lldp module:

  • enable (boolean): $false
  • force (Boolean): $false
  • module (string): “lldp”
Build the command:

PS C:\> $esxcli.system.module.set($false, $false, “lldp”)

To build that command for all methods, you have to know how to use the 3 data types string, long and boolean:

  • string – Any words or names. Quotes are required.
  • long – A number
  • boolean – Can be $false or $true

Non-required parameters can be set to $null

In the example we are setting the multipath rule for a device:

PS C:\> $

Value : boolean set(boolean default, string device, string psp)

Build the command:

PS C:\> $$null, “”, “VMW_PSP_MRU”)


Esxcli commands in ESXi 6.0 :

$esxcli.device.add(string deviceidentifier, long instanceaddress)
$esxcli.elxnet.dbgmask.get(string pcidevname)
$esxcli.elxnet.dbgmask.set(string mask, string pcidevname)
$esxcli.elxnet.regdump.get(string filepath, string pcidevname)
$esxcli.elxnet.stats.get(string pcidevname)
$esxcli.fcoe.nic.disable(string nicname)
$ nicname)
$esxcli.fcoe.nic.set(boolean enablevn2vn, string nicname, long vlanid)
$esxcli.hardware.clock.set(long day, long hour, long min, long month, long sec, long year)
$esxcli.hardware.cpu.cpuid.get(long cpu)
$ hyperthreading)
$esxcli.hardware.ipmi.fru.get(boolean ignoremissing, boolean includeprettyraw, boolean includeraw, string node)
$esxcli.hardware.ipmi.fru.list(boolean ignoremissing, boolean includeprettyraw, boolean includeraw, string node)
$esxcli.hardware.ipmi.sdr.get(boolean ignoremissing, boolean includeprettyraw, boolean includeraw, string node)
$esxcli.hardware.ipmi.sdr.list(string formatter, boolean ignoremissing, boolean includeprettyraw, boolean includeraw, string node)
$esxcli.hardware.ipmi.sel.clear(boolean ignoremissing, boolean includeprettyraw, boolean includeraw, string node)
$esxcli.hardware.ipmi.sel.get(boolean ignoremissing, boolean includeprettyraw, boolean includeraw, string node)
$esxcli.hardware.ipmi.sel.list(boolean ignoremissing, boolean includeprettyraw, boolean includeraw, string node)
$esxcli.hardware.pci.list(string class, string mask)
$esxcli.hardware.smartcard.certificate.list(long slot)
$esxcli.hardware.smartcard.token.list(long slot)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.auth.chap.get(string adapter, string direction)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.auth.chap.set(string adapter, string authname, boolean default, string direction, string level, string secret)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.capabilities.get(string adapter)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.sendtarget.auth.chap.get(string adapter, string address, string direction)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.sendtarget.auth.chap.set(string adapter, string address, string authname, boolean default, string direction, boolean inherit, string level, string secret)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.sendtarget.param.get(string adapter, string address)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.sendtarget.param.set(string adapter, string address, boolean default, boolean inherit, string key, string value)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.sendtarget.add(string adapter, string address)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.sendtarget.list(string adapter)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.sendtarget.remove(string adapter, string address)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.statictarget.add(string adapter, string address, string name)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.statictarget.list(string adapter)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.statictarget.remove(string adapter, string address, string name)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.status.get(string adapter)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.discovery.rediscover(string adapter)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.firmware.get(string adapter, string file)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.firmware.set(string adapter, string file)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.param.get(string adapter)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.param.set(string adapter, boolean default, string key, string value)
$ adapter, string address, string direction, string method, string name)
$ adapter, string address, string authname, boolean default, string direction, boolean inherit, string level, string name, string secret)
$ adapter, string address, string name)
$ adapter, string address, boolean default, boolean inherit, string key, string name, string value)
$ adapter, string name)
$ adapter, string name)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.get(string adapter)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.list(string adapter)
$esxcli.iscsi.adapter.set(string adapter, string alias, string name)
$esxcli.iscsi.logicalnetworkportal.list(string adapter)
$esxcli.iscsi.networkportal.ipconfig.get(string adapter, string nic)
$esxcli.iscsi.networkportal.ipconfig.set(string adapter, string dns1, string dns2, boolean enable, boolean enabledhcpv4, string gateway, string ip, string nic, string subnet)
$esxcli.iscsi.networkportal.ipv6config.address.add(string adapter, string[] addresslist, boolean removeallexisting)
$esxcli.iscsi.networkportal.ipv6config.address.list(string adapter)
$esxcli.iscsi.networkportal.ipv6config.address.remove(string adapter, string[] addresslist)
$esxcli.iscsi.networkportal.ipv6config.get(string adapter)
$esxcli.iscsi.networkportal.ipv6config.set(string adapter, boolean enable, boolean enabledhcpv6, boolean enablelinklocalautoconfiguration, boolean enablerouteradvertisement, string gateway6)
$esxcli.iscsi.networkportal.add(string adapter, boolean force, string nic)
$esxcli.iscsi.networkportal.list(string adapter)
$esxcli.iscsi.networkportal.remove(string adapter, boolean force, string nic)
$esxcli.iscsi.physicalnetworkportal.param.get(string adapter, string nic)
$esxcli.iscsi.physicalnetworkportal.param.set(string adapter, string nic, string option, long value)
$esxcli.iscsi.physicalnetworkportal.list(string adapter)
$esxcli.iscsi.plugin.list(string adapter, string plugin)
$esxcli.iscsi.session.connection.list(string adapter, string cid, string isid, string name)
$esxcli.iscsi.session.add(string adapter, string isid, string name)
$esxcli.iscsi.session.list(string adapter, string isid, string name)
$esxcli.iscsi.session.remove(string adapter, string isid, string name)
$ enabled)
$ count, boolean debug, boolean df, string host, string interface, string interval, boolean ipv4, boolean ipv6, string netstack, string nexthop, long size, long ttl, string wait)
$ ipaddress, string rulesetid)
$ rulesetid)
$ ipaddress, string rulesetid)
$ rulesetid)
$ rulesetid)
$ allowedall, boolean enabled, string rulesetid)
$ defaultaction, boolean enabled)
$ netstack, string type)
$ domain, string netstack)
$ netstack)
$ domain, string netstack)
$ netstack, string server)
$ netstack)
$ all, string netstack, string server)
$ interfacename, string netstack)
$ interfacename, string ipv4, string netmask, boolean peerdns, string type)
$ interfacename, string ipv6)
$ interfacename)
$ interfacename, string ipv6)
$ interfacename, string netstack)
$ enabledhcpv6, boolean enablerouteradv, string interfacename, boolean peerdns)
$ interfacename, string tagname)
$ interfacename)
$ interfacename, string tagname)
$ dvportid, string dvsname, string interfacename, string macaddress, long mtu, string netstack, string portgroupname)
$ netstack)
$ dvportid, string dvsname, string interfacename, string netstack, string portgroupname)
$ enabled, string interfacename, long mtu)
$ encryptionalgorithm, string encryptionkey, string integrityalgorithm, string integritykey, string sadestination, string samode, string saname, string sasource, string saspi)
$ removeall, string sadestination, string saname, string sasource, string saspi)
$ action, long destinationport, string flowdirection, string saname, long sourceport, string spdestination, string spmode, string spname, string spsource, string upperlayerprotocol)
$ removeall, string spname)
$ ikeconf)
$ interfacename, string netstack, string version)
$ interfacename, string neighboraddr, string netstack, string version)
$ disabled, string netstack)
$ netstack)
$ netstack)
$ ccalgo, boolean enable, boolean ipv6enabled, long maxconn, string name, string netstack)
$ gateway, string netstack, string network)
$ netstack)
$ gateway, string netstack, string network)
$ gateway, string netstack, string network)
$ netstack)
$ gateway, string netstack, string network)
$ ipv6enabled)
$ vmnic)
$ adaptiverx, boolean adaptivetx, long rxmaxframes, long rxusecs, long sampleinterval, long txmaxframes, long txusecs, string vmnic)
$ vmnic)
$ enable, string vmnic)
$ file, long magic, long offset, long value, string vmnic)
$ length, long offset, string vmnic)
$ vmnic)
$ nicname)
$ auto, string nicname, boolean rx, boolean tx)
$ vmnic)
$ nicname)
$ nicname, long rx, long rxjumbo, long rxmini, long tx)
$ nicname)
$ online, string vmnic)
$ vmnic)
$ enable, string vmnic)
$ geneveoffload, boolean highdma, boolean ipv4cso, boolean ipv4tso, boolean ipv6cso, boolean ipv6csoext, boolean ipv6tso, boolean ipv6tsoext, boolean obo, boolean sg, boolean sgsp, boolean tagging, boolean untagging, string vmnic, boolean vxlanencap)
$ nicname)
$ vmnic)
$ enable, string vmnic)
$ nicname)
$ enabled, string nicname)
$ nicname)
$ nicname)
$ auto, string duplex, long messagelevel, string nicname, long phyaddress, string port, long speed, string transceivertype, string wakeonlan)
$ nicname)
$ portid)
$ portid)
$ nicname)
$ nicname, long vfid)
$ worldid)
$ dvs)
$ dvs)
$ dvs)
$ lagid, string nicname, boolean timeout, string vds)
$ vdsname)
$ vswitchname)
$ activeuplinks, boolean failback, string failuredetection, string loadbalancing, boolean notifyswitches, string standbyuplinks, string vswitchname)
$ vswitchname)
$ allowforgedtransmits, boolean allowmacchange, boolean allowpromiscuous, string vswitchname)
$ vswitchname)
$ avgbandwidth, long burstsize, boolean enabled, long peakbandwidth, string vswitchname)
$ portgroupname)
$ activeuplinks, boolean failback, string failuredetection, string loadbalancing, boolean notifyswitches, string portgroupname, string standbyuplinks, boolean usevswitch)
$ portgroupname)
$ allowforgedtransmits, boolean allowmacchange, boolean allowpromiscuous, string portgroupname, boolean usevswitch)
$ portgroupname)
$ avgbandwidth, long burstsize, boolean enabled, long peakbandwidth, string portgroupname, boolean usevswitch)
$ portgroupname, string vswitchname)
$ portgroupname, string vswitchname)
$ portgroupname, long vlanid)
$ uplinkname, string vswitchname)
$ uplinkname, string vswitchname)
$ ports, string vswitchname)
$ vswitchname)
$ vswitchname)
$ cdpstatus, long mtu, string vswitchname)
$esxcli.rdma.device.stats.get(string device)
$esxcli.rdma.device.vmknic.list(string device)
$esxcli.sched.swap.system.set(boolean datastoreenabled, string datastorename, long datastoreorder, boolean hostcacheenabled, long hostcacheorder, boolean hostlocalswapenabled, long hostlocalswaporder)
$ level)
$ rebootingimage)
$[] depot, boolean dryrun, boolean force, boolean maintenancemode, boolean noliveinstall, boolean nosigcheck, boolean oktoremove, string profile, string proxy)
$ allowdowngrades, string[] depot, boolean dryrun, boolean force, boolean maintenancemode, boolean noliveinstall, boolean nosigcheck, string profile, string proxy)
$[] depot, string profile, string proxy)
$[] depot, string profile, string proxy)
$[] depot, string proxy)
$[] depot, string proxy, string[] vibname, string[] viburl)
$[] depot, string proxy)
$ rebootingimage, string[] vibname)
$[] depot, boolean dryrun, boolean force, boolean maintenancemode, boolean noliveinstall, boolean nosigcheck, string proxy, string[] vibname, string[] viburl)
$ rebootingimage)
$ dryrun, boolean force, boolean maintenancemode, boolean noliveinstall, string[] vibname)
$[] depot, boolean dryrun, boolean force, boolean maintenancemode, boolean noliveinstall, boolean nosigcheck, string proxy, string[] vibname, string[] viburl)
$ adapter)
$ adapter, boolean all, boolean skipclaim, boolean skipfsscan, string type)
$ claimruleclass, boolean enabled, boolean wait)
$ device)
$ adapter, long channel, string claimruleclass, string device, string driver, long lun, string model, string path, string plugin, long target, string type, string vendor)
$ adapter, boolean autoassign, long channel, string claimruleclass, string device, string driver, boolean force, string ifunset, string iqn, long lun, string model, string plugin, long rule, long target, string transport, string type, string vendor, string wwnn, string wwpn, long xcopymaxtransfersize, boolean xcopyusearrayvalues, boolean xcopyusemultisegs)
$ commit)
$ claimruleclass)
$ claimruleclass)
$ claimruleclass, long newrule, long rule)
$ claimruleclass, string plugin, long rule)
$ adapter, long channel, string claimruleclass, string device, long lun, string path, long target, string type, boolean wait)
$ device)
$ all, string device)
$ device)
$ device)
$ device)
$ device)
$ devicename)
$ device)
$ device)
$ device)
$ device, boolean excludeoffline, boolean peonly)
$ dataintegrityenabled, boolean defaultname, string device, boolean force, long ledduration, string ledstate, long maxqueuedepth, string name, boolean nopersist, long queuefullsamplesize, long queuefullthreshold, long schednumreqoutstanding, string state, boolean writecacheenabled)
$ detached, string device, boolean perenniallyreserved, boolean sharedclusterwide)
$ path)
$ device, string path)
$ path, string state)
$ dependencies, string fullpath, string modulename, string pluginclass, string pluginname)
$ modulename, string pluginclass)
$ modulename)
$ pluginclass)
$ ignoreerrors)
$ nopersist, string volumelabel, string volumeuuid)
$ nopersist, string volumelabel, string volumepath, string volumeuuid)
$ volumename)
$ maxqueuedepth, string volumename)
$ host, boolean ispe, boolean readonly, string share, string volumename)
$ peonly)
$ volumename)
$ volumename)
$ maxqueuedepth, string volumename)
$[] hosts, boolean readonly, string sec, string share, string volumename)
$ peonly)
$ volumename)
$ device)
$ default, string device, string psp)
$ device, string path)
$ device)
$ cfgfile, boolean default, string device, string path)
$ device)
$ cfgfile, string config, string device)
$ path)
$ cfgfile, string config, string path)
$ device)
$ bytes, boolean cfgfile, string device, long iops, string type, boolean useano)
$ device, boolean excludetpginfo)
$ config, string device)
$ path)
$ config, string path)
$ boot, string claimoption, string description, string device, string driver, boolean force, string model, string option, string psp, string pspoption, string satp, string transport, string type, string vendor)
$ satp)
$ boot, string claimoption, string description, string device, string driver, string model, string option, string psp, string pspoption, string satp, string transport, string type, string vendor)
$ boot, string defaultpsp, string satp)
$ adapter)
$ adapter)
$ adapter)
$ adapter)
$ adapter)
$ adapter)
$ adapter)
$ adapter)
$ adapter)
$ adapter)
$ adapter)
$ adapter)
$ adapter)
$ cachename, string modulename)
$ cachename, string modulename)
$ cachename, string modulename)
$ modulename)
$ eligible, boolean used)
$ modulename)
$ modulename)
$ liveness, string volumelabel, string volumeuuid)
$ ignoreerrors, string[] volumelabel, string[] volumeuuid)
$ ats, boolean scsi, string volumelabel, string volumeuuid)
$ volumelabel, string volumeuuid)
$ volumelabel, string volumeuuid)
$ nopersist, string volumelabel, string volumeuuid)
$ volumelabel, string volumeuuid)
$ reclaimunit, string volumelabel, string volumeuuid)
$ volumelabel, string volumeuuid)
$ pe)
$ path)
$esxcli.system.account.add(string description, string id, string password, string passwordconfirmation)
$esxcli.system.account.remove(string id)
$esxcli.system.account.set(string description, string id, string password, string passwordconfirmation)
$esxcli.system.coredump.file.add(boolean auto, string datastore, boolean enable, string file, long size)
$esxcli.system.coredump.file.remove(string file, boolean force)
$esxcli.system.coredump.file.set(boolean enable, string path, boolean smart, boolean unconfigure)
$ enable, string interfacename, string serverip, string serveripv4, long serverport)
$esxcli.system.coredump.partition.set(boolean enable, string partition, boolean smart, boolean unconfigure)
$esxcli.system.hostname.set(string domain, string fqdn, string host)
$esxcli.system.maintenanceMode.set(boolean enable, long timeout, string vsanmode)
$esxcli.system.module.parameters.copy(boolean force, string[] parameterkeys, string source, string target)
$esxcli.system.module.parameters.list(string module)
$esxcli.system.module.parameters.set(boolean append, boolean force, string module, string parameterstring)
$esxcli.system.module.get(string module)
$esxcli.system.module.list(boolean enabled, boolean loaded)
$esxcli.system.module.load(boolean force, string module)
$esxcli.system.module.set(boolean enabled, boolean force, string module)
$esxcli.system.permission.set(boolean group, string id, string role)
$esxcli.system.permission.unset(boolean group, string id)
$esxcli.system.secpolicy.domain.set(boolean alldomains, string level, string name)
$ filename)
$ issuer, string serial)
$esxcli.system.settings.advanced.list(boolean delta, string option, string tree)
$esxcli.system.settings.advanced.set(boolean default, long intvalue, string option, string stringvalue)
$esxcli.system.settings.kernel.list(boolean delta, string option)
$esxcli.system.settings.kernel.set(string setting, string value)
$esxcli.system.settings.keyboard.layout.set(string layout, boolean nopersist)
$esxcli.system.shutdown.poweroff(long delay, string reason)
$esxcli.system.shutdown.reboot(long delay, string reason)
$ node, long port, string protocol, string service)
$esxcli.system.snmp.hash(string authhash, string privhash, boolean rawsecret)
$esxcli.system.snmp.set(string authentication, string communities, boolean enable, string engineid, string hwsrc, boolean largestorage, string loglevel, string notraps, long port, string privacy, string remoteusers, boolean reset, string syscontact, string syslocation, string targets, string users, string v3targets)
$esxcli.system.snmp.test(string authhash, string privhash, boolean rawsecret, string user)
$esxcli.system.syslog.config.logger.set(string id, string reset, long rotate, long size)
$esxcli.system.syslog.config.set(boolean checksslcerts, long defaultrotate, long defaultsize, long defaulttimeout, long droplogrotate, long droplogsize, string logdir, boolean logdirunique, string loghost, long queuedropmark, string reset)
$esxcli.system.syslog.mark(string message)
$esxcli.system.time.set(long day, long hour, long min, long month, long sec, long year)
$esxcli.system.visorfs.ramdisk.add(long maxsize, long minsize, string name, string permissions, string target)
$esxcli.system.visorfs.ramdisk.remove(string target)
$esxcli.system.welcomemsg.set(string message)
$esxcli.vm.process.kill(string type, long worldid)
$esxcli.vsan.cluster.join(string clusteruuid, boolean wait)
$esxcli.vsan.cluster.restore(boolean boot)
$ newname)
$esxcli.vsan.faultdomain.set(string fdname)
$ agentmcaddr, long agentmcport, string interfacename, string mastermcaddr, long mastermcport, long multicastttl)
$ force, string interfacename)
$ agentmcaddr, long agentmcport, string interfacename, string mastermcaddr, long mastermcport, long multicastttl)
$ force, string interfacename)
$esxcli.vsan.policy.getdefault(string policyclass)
$esxcli.vsan.policy.setdefault(string policy, string policyclass)
$ enabled)
$ enabled)
$ ssd, string uuid)
$ ssd)
$ disk, string tag)
$ disk, string tag)
$[] disks, string ssd)
$ device, string uuid)
$ disk, string evacuationmode, string ssd, string uuid)
$esxcli.vsan.trace.set(long numfiles, string path, boolean reset, long size)